Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day #30 The Stats from the gym!

                                               30th May                          30th June

weight                                       82.2                                   75.9    (done in same clothes)
body fat mass  kg                      23.8                                   17.3
body fat %age                           29                                      22.8
Visceral fat                                129                                    102.8
skeletal muscle mass  kg             32.9                                   33    WFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was all looking splendid up to that last one.  Dont worry about weight people he says,  muscle weighs more that fat he says, well not on me it doesn't!  1 months of friggin weights and I've managed to build a whole 100grams.  whoopdefuckingdo.

On another note people,  If an old sage can offer a bit of advice,  stop counting the skips.  Work out how long it takes to do say 500,  multiply as required and add a bit for good measure.  It's liberating I can assure you.  Not only does the time pass quicker,  it seems less tiring and it lets you concentrate on form and tricks.  sooo much easier!


  1. Awesome! Great stats and well done loosing so much. Some of those other stats are confusing at the best of times but who cares. Good job

  2. I just want the stat that says job done, now go get yourself a beer to celebrate!

  3. Crikey over 6 kg down - well done.

  4. I hate to be unsupportive, but fuck you, you smug skipping cunt. "Work out how long it takes to do 500" "It's so liberating". Tra-la-fucking-la.

    Also, well done on the weight loss.

  5. Wow Pete, great stats and pics look very different. Don't listen to Noel, he's just jealous.

  6. Just because you still haven't found two friends to spin the rope for you yet. Maybe you could draw us another chart showing us some mundane bullshit that no one cares about. Now go eat another potato for your evening snack, no wait is that a veg or a carb?

    Thank you Connie, you too I must say!

  7. Its 1.15am and I'm clearly delirious from today's boredom, but I'm sat here LMAO at Noel's comments....Tra-la-fucking-la indeed.....So show us your tricks then you old sage.....

  8. I might make an educational video for the antipodean paddy, he's clearly behind the curve.

  9. Great stats. You must be super chuffed. Have your kids said anything complimentary yet ? I think ours have just got used to mum and dad's weird skipping diet. They still offer me sweets and ice cream then say "oh yeah, sorry mum. forgot you are on a DIEEET" like I have a disease ! Have a good weekend.

  10. Nah, our kids are too young to realise what it's all for I think.
