Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day # 16 Rage Against The Machine

So,  the Cooper stock has taken a battering today.  Am I full of rage?  I don't think so,  but I am hungry!  Yes the portions have been pretty huge during the 2nd week,  but don't you find that you struggle to get though them and 30 mins later you're starving again? I've had moments where I've got all light headed and dizzy and by dinner times my legs are all wobbly and all I can think of is food. I'm on the same carb amount as my wife and she's 25 kg lighter than me! I don't overly miss the stuffed feeling after a burger n chips that can last from lunch for so long you don't need to eat dinner, and I do feel quite virtuous eating all this healthy food. But on the flip side,  I'm constantly reminded that I could do with a bit more to eat,  and when it wakes you up in the night to tell you you're hungry, and won't let you go back to sleep again,  well that sucks too!  As I'm writing this I've just finished breakfast,  and I'm still hungry, so, yet another coffee to try and fill the gap.  My boss is in town from London today and my desk is going out for dinner tonight somewhere swanky.  I'm declining because, well,  the whole thought of it is just too depressing to contemplate.  So no, I don't think I'm full of rage,  but I do know I'm not full of food.

Now for the good bit,  I'm using a new notch in my belt today,  so the plan is working, onwards and thinwards and looking forward to my stomach shrinking so it doesn't need as much grub.


  1. "It's true... I'm a rageaholic! I just can't live without rageahol!"
    - Homer Simpson

  2. I've just been googling Pete's Wicked Ale from your country for tomorrows post. They stopped brewing in March, now that does make me angry!

  3. Yep, full then hungry. That is me. Glad I am not the only one with weak legs!
