Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day #30 The Stats from the gym!

                                               30th May                          30th June

weight                                       82.2                                   75.9    (done in same clothes)
body fat mass  kg                      23.8                                   17.3
body fat %age                           29                                      22.8
Visceral fat                                129                                    102.8
skeletal muscle mass  kg             32.9                                   33    WFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was all looking splendid up to that last one.  Dont worry about weight people he says,  muscle weighs more that fat he says, well not on me it doesn't!  1 months of friggin weights and I've managed to build a whole 100grams.  whoopdefuckingdo.

On another note people,  If an old sage can offer a bit of advice,  stop counting the skips.  Work out how long it takes to do say 500,  multiply as required and add a bit for good measure.  It's liberating I can assure you.  Not only does the time pass quicker,  it seems less tiring and it lets you concentrate on form and tricks.  sooo much easier!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day # 29 Another week, another Kilo!

Well,  1.4kg to be precise,  that's 5.8 in total.  Seemed to accelerate 2 days ago,  Not sure why but up to that point I didn't seem to be making any progress on the week.  I bought some shorts from Zara yesterday,  31" waist which even allowing for Zara's flattering sizing is unheard of,  I'm usually a 34!  7 days ago, I said if I didn't lose 3kg this week I'd eat my arm to make up the difference,  seems a shame for 1.6kg but a mans gotta chew what a mans gotta chew!  I'm keeping the wanking hand before anyone asks!

Yesterday for some reason I was super famished all day, I've been OK all week,  just not sure what was different.  lying in bed last night with my stomach shouting at me for food I was getting more wound up.  looking at the clock thinking, fkking alarms going off at 5:20,  sleep damn you, sleep!  So I had 2 choices,  raid the fridge or the medicine cabinet,  and figured there was less calories in a sleeping pill.  So to sleep at midnight and I was still awake before the alarm. No Patrick,  it's not good to go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.

Sadly I think it's time to split skipping and exercise.  Its now taking too long before I have to get to work,  so skipping in the evenings as I don't mind that and get all the shit stuff out of the way early me thinks. I know everyone has a pet hate exercise,  and after today set I know what mine is.  It's called PCP!

Monday, June 27, 2011

day # 28 The mind wanders

Is anyone else wondering who they may have ended up with if they'd have done PCP in their youth and got all fit and gorgeous?

Or is that just me?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day # 27 Spring cleaning

Had a mess around in the wardrobe last night,  seems I've lost a suit and gained a pair of trousers.  Apart from the obvious cost difference this is bad for 2 reasons.

1/  The suit was tailor made in April for a wedding on April 30th
2/  The trousers were bought in March 2005 and not exactly of a style I'd now want to wear.

PCP, you have  a lot to answer for.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 26 The Morning after

Nothing like telling a reforming alcoholic it's OK to have a drink. We had a bottle of cloudy bay in the wine fridge that was begging to be drunk, and I wasn't about to open it and only have 2 glasses, mind you between us a bottle is only 2 large glasses each if we really needed to stick to the letter of the law. Anyone that says they didn't like their booze is lying! Frank the Tank, my hero

No streaking but a second bottle probably would have pushed me over the edge.

UPDATE:  640 trip feee skips this morning,  I should drink more often!

Day 25 Indulgence Day

I fancy a beer,  and this one has my name all over it!

Cheers everybody!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day # 24 I table a motion

Te rename the squat the Fonz. On your next set, as you squat down and your hands go out in front, point your thumbs up in the air, tilt your head just ever so slightly to the side and say heeeeeey!

Planks were a little more testing than I anticipated this morning!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day # 23 Help from the ladies please?

Mandy's in the kitchen last night. shouts down

what do you want for lunch tomorrow?
Oh, I don't mind, whatever's easiest.
you can have salad or roasted veggies.
Really, whatever's easiest.
They're both easy.
what have you got most of, or what do you need to use up?
Oh, for christ sake,  make a decision will you.
OK, I'll have salad for lunch.
Well, the only problem with salad for lunch is you'll then have roasted veggies for dinner and it might look quite small with no carbs.
OK,  I'll have roasted veggie then.

Can someone pleeeeeease explain what happened here?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day # 22 Another week bites the dust!

So,  3 weeks down,  official weigh in this morning down 4.4kg to 76.7kg.  Slightly disappointed by this and annoyed as the lying bastard scales I use at home during the week suggested I was 75!  I'm waiting until the 30th to get another set of proper stats done at the gym to see where I'm at body fat %age wise etc,  but interested to see the results.

So a new diet, and my worst fears have come to pass, NO carbs for dinner!  Guess I'll be having another 2 or 3 nights of troubled sleep, waking up hungry as I get used to that,  deep joy!  But I figured that at least I'd have more carbs to eat during the day to compensate so it would be alright,  but no wait,  they're unch'd,  I guess I should be thankful for small mercies! Gym stats on day 1 said I needed to lose 13.5kg to ideal weight,  so best I get a freakin' move on. On this weeks allowance, if I don't drop 3kg,  I'll eat my arm...  (to make sure I lose it).  Desperate times and measures and all that!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day # 21 I want to look like Nigella so....

Got up 5:30, Did exercise. Don't have any plants.

For Breakfast
For Lunch

For Dinner

For Evening Snack

Man I iz looking sweet!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day # 20 Bootylicious

There has been much talk this past week of both diet and bathroom habits. Linking these two topics nicely is this following article from our friends in Japan.  63% Protein and 23% Carb.  Patrick,  maybe you could advise how best to incorporate this into our daily allowances?

The thing I probably find most disturbing about the whole piece is,  if you watch the video, you'll notice the hand/finger pointing device thingy the scientist has got, someone has gone to the effort of painting the fingernails red.

That'll be Japan for you!

Day # 19 Mutiny

Whilst thinking of subject matter for this blog, I've stumbled upon a thought of
a whole new website. I'm thinking of calling it Pete Coopers Project
(PCP). I'm still not sure about the initials yet but it's a work in
progress. Anyway my thinking is it's an antithesis to other websites out
there that promise that nirvana of full mind and body wellness through
diet and exercise. DO NOT get suckered in people, they are a scam and
most probably their servers run through Nigeria. But for those
Unfortunates that have fallen pray to these consters they can find
refuge in my site,  for a nominal fee of oh, I dunno, say JPY 50,000
you'll have a community of like minded souls searching for what has been
missing in their lives, chocolate, red wine and even breakfast cereals
as an example. I haven't thought of the real meat of the site yet but
rest assured it will involve plenty of TV. The only lunges you'll find
there is for that last beer in the fridge.


Friday, June 17, 2011

day 18

So Patrick told me that I can have my evening carbs back when he can see my abs.  I added an extra couple of sit-ups to my sets this past couple of days,  it really seems to have made a difference.

Here's looking forward to a nice big bowl of spag bol on day 22!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day # 17. A lighthearted end to the week.

So, yesterday was a low point, I've got a feeling the first couple of days of the new diet each week might be a bit like that.  It didn't help that it was my colleagues birthday yesterday and he bought a dozen jam doughnuts for us all. Bastard!

Anyway,  I got an email from my bro telling me that my blog was becoming depressing to read, so here are a few carb related jokes to end the working week,  if not the PCP week.

My wife just left me because of my obsession with touching pasta.                                          
I have to be honest, I'm feeling canneloni right now.

Al-Qaeda have hidden bombs in tins of Alphabet Spaghetti
If they go off,  they could spell disaster.

My wife bet me I couldn't build a car out of spaghetti.
You should have seen her face when I drove pasta!

I'm training to be a pasta chef.
It's going really well apart from a fussily mistakes.

So I think I'm getting sacked from my pasta chef's job.
Think my boss is just waiting for the penne to drop.

I did 226 trip free jumps/skips this morning.  That is a record broken by a merry mile!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day # 16 Rage Against The Machine

So,  the Cooper stock has taken a battering today.  Am I full of rage?  I don't think so,  but I am hungry!  Yes the portions have been pretty huge during the 2nd week,  but don't you find that you struggle to get though them and 30 mins later you're starving again? I've had moments where I've got all light headed and dizzy and by dinner times my legs are all wobbly and all I can think of is food. I'm on the same carb amount as my wife and she's 25 kg lighter than me! I don't overly miss the stuffed feeling after a burger n chips that can last from lunch for so long you don't need to eat dinner, and I do feel quite virtuous eating all this healthy food. But on the flip side,  I'm constantly reminded that I could do with a bit more to eat,  and when it wakes you up in the night to tell you you're hungry, and won't let you go back to sleep again,  well that sucks too!  As I'm writing this I've just finished breakfast,  and I'm still hungry, so, yet another coffee to try and fill the gap.  My boss is in town from London today and my desk is going out for dinner tonight somewhere swanky.  I'm declining because, well,  the whole thought of it is just too depressing to contemplate.  So no, I don't think I'm full of rage,  but I do know I'm not full of food.

Now for the good bit,  I'm using a new notch in my belt today,  so the plan is working, onwards and thinwards and looking forward to my stomach shrinking so it doesn't need as much grub.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day # 15

So,  2 weeks down,  10 to go..  10 weeks doesn't sound too bad does it!  Does it?

Weight loss wise only lost 0.5kg this week,  disappointing yes,  but my expectations were managed so not too bothered,  and seems it's the same for most of us so I'm runnign with the heard.  In spite of the plateau,  using my tried, tested and patented wobble test, I think I feel thinner, I think!, and Mandy is certainly looking trimmer,  so pleased not to be seeing such a biffer wafting around the house.

Now to those of you that have spent the last week complaining about how much food you've had to eat,  thanks a friggin bunch!  I'm holding you all personally responsible for my evening carb quota being slashed in half.  I'm already waking in the night hungry, and this ain't gonna help.   Be careful what you wish for people!

Finally, exercise,  Still generally struggling with the jumprope, but there is a noticeable difference between doing them at 5:30am when the household is asleep and the weekend when they're awake.  Whether it's because I'm tired or because I'm trying to be quiet I still don't know, but I trip a LOT more on the early starts.  I have adhered to the program 100% and my only slip was yesterday,  1 biscuit with my son whilst in his class for a fathers day thing.  we had to share a snack with each other, as did all the other dads,  what was I going to say?  Oh no son,  I couldn't possibly,  I'm on a diet!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Day # 14

Probably my biggest pet hate about living in Hong Kong is Central at lunchtime.  Walking out into the street is to encounter 86bn people all wandering around without purpose, no idea of where they want to go or why they’re even there. Their faces are either buried in their blackberry or hidden under an umbrella, regardless of whether it’s raining or not, and all at a snails pace! 

Now me, I can’t meander, I walk with purpose, I like to get from A to B using the path of least resistance. I spend these lunchtimes muttering expletives under my breath and slowing winding myself up to the point of having a heart attack.  With PCP going as it is and awakening muscles that have remained dormant or in reality probably never even used,  I am looking forward to facing these crowds with my head held high,  and without fear of reprisal or retribution, smashing them in their face.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 13

Action shot of me doing a da vinci's 

I bet you can't wait for a pic of the leg raises now!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day # 10 Just in time for the weekend

Boys and Girls,  I have found a PCP approved beer.  Life does go on.

In other news, I'm pleased to report a cessation of internal hostilities with immediate effect.  Bon weekend ya'll!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day # 9

I've not had a poo since Day # 6!  That can't be normal surely?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 8

A break from the normal routine,  I'm actually going to blog for once.

I read Patricks email today and it says not to be happy about any weight loss this week,  well I'm sorry but I'm down 2.6kg so regardless of whether I've taken some muscle with it  I'm  happy. Seriously,  I thought it  was me that was supposed to be Mr glass half empty!

As for the exercise, plodding on,  trying to do max reps on each set, regardless of form at the end,  Crunches for instance, at the end I'm merely poking my tongue out,  press ups I'm about 50:50 toes and knees,  lunges I friggin hate, Justin, you'll receive no challenge from me.

Skipping I have been doing on n off for a few months anyway so these numbers we have to do, although still very low compared to what I can do, I'm still struggling for consistency,  I fluctuate between Sugar Ray Leonard and a sugar coated doughnut,  this morning Ich Bin ein Berliner.

So onwards and thinwards,  Normal blogging service will resume shortly.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 7

So,  after yesterdays post I don't think even copious amounts of alcohol are going to help me now,  so if at day 90 you see me sporting a gun like this
you'll know it's not all down to the PCP alone.

Day 6

An unintended consequence of PCP that I hadn't thought about before we started was that for coops to get some night time action I need to get the wife smashed first, so this 90 days is going to feel more like a life sentence.

One thing I hear is that the indulgences when they come are mandatory so Patrick, if you are reading, for everything that is holy in life, please make mine a conjugal visit!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5

Only 25 days and 9 hrs till the next set of suckers start!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 4

It was mentioned yesterday by a pre existing cultist that that my blog suggests I'm not taking this thing seriously!

I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth,  just check out lunch!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 3 # 2

I have been discussing with my friend today what is the definition of a cult?

Is it the absolute cutting off from normal society?
Is it building up a community amongst yourselves and sticking only with yourselves?
Is it the strict adherence to a new and random set of rules?
Is it having a leader that tells all and is all knowing?
Is it that you have to give your money to this person?

With this in mind...

David Koresh


Is it just me?

Day 3

I spent some time last night staring at my tropical fish,  contemplating............................ how nutritional they might be!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 2

Well,  yesterday sucked,  I don't think it helped that the day before I gorged on so much shit during the day I skipped dinner.  So yesterday I woke up hungry and it never went away.  1 weektabix for brekkie just doesn't cut it (my 2yr old eats 2!)   For dinner Mandy cooked us dover sole and veggies,  great meal,  we have it often,  only this time is was one meal split in half.  But here's the clever bit,  she put it on the kids plates so it looked like a full meal.  Did it work?  Did it ****,  I had Bob the Builder peering up at me through my half carrot,  "Bob,  can you fix my hunger?"  I'm sure I saw him laughing!

As for the exercise,  I'm pretty stiff,  pretty disappointed with my legs,  I thought they were the only thing that might hold up.  I do spin class Mondays and Wednesdays,  went yesterday and will continue until this stuff is too consuming, so that'll be next week then!  Clearly a different muscle group,  I'm walking like John Wayne.