Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day # 90 and 89..and 88 Well.... That'll be that then... tripped at the line

PCP finished on day 87 for me. I could sit here and make excuses blah blah,  but I think the one thing that is obvious to me is I need routine, and not to break it.  It's been all important that I know when I'm exercising and what I'm doing when. This past couple of weeks, work commitments have meant that I've been doing them at all different times and it just doesn't wash with me.  I also need the routine of the gym.  I know Patrick is really rather anti gyms,  but I find the process of going, getting changed and being there a motivation, I get that JFD attitude and want to just get it over with. What's the point in going there if you're not going to work out.  It also allows me to go during lunch on occasion, which isn't wasting my personal time.  Working out at home doesn't work for me,  Weekends were always the hardest.  I also think Patrick is unduly hard on gym goers,  I actually see a lot of fit people at the gym I go too,  maybe it's the early morning brigade being more motivated, and doing as much as possible before the office but I don't see too much standing around doing nothing. I do however question people using their personal trainers 2-3 times a week.  That seems like wasted money to me when they could be doing it by themselves.

This weekend, trying to unpack our old home into our new one took up our time and I soon just thought,  exercise can wait till later.....  like never.  We ate lunch out Saturday as had nothing in,  I ordered baked baramundi on veg (PCP fine) but several beers, the remains of the kids pizza, and a slice of banoffi pie.  oops.   This followed on from Friday evening Mandy and I grabbed a quiet bite whilst the kids were out,  carbon copy of the Saturday lunch really, but the tone was set,  it became comical what I ate Sat night,  biscuits, crisps,  raisins coated on yoghurt, hot cross buns, loads of gin,  Sunday lunch again,  chicken fajitas and cheesecake... oh and beer.  Sunday evening, Mandy wasn't hungry, said wasn't cooking,  so I went fishing, and came back with biscuits, ritz crackers and gin.  I did however keep it slightly PCP compliant by having a banana and low fat yoghurt,  yea for me! It almost became a comical 2 fingers to the whole PCP programme,  but probably more of a self destruct button and I'm rather annoyed with myself now. My whole plan was to take my pictures yesterday morning,  after my workout, before my breakfast when I was at my best,  Then open a decent bottle of wine this evening I've had for years waiting for a significant occasion.  I can't be bothered with that now as it  doesn't seem appropriate, nor indeed shall I with the final pics, I've managed to put on 2.8kg since last Wednesday and I've missed my window for them. I'm still happy with my general results,  just not where I should have been. What I'm really not happy with is how easily I seem to be able to slip back into old habits.

Going forward,  I don't think I'm going to buy any clothes just yet.  Probably wise to see where I am in a month or so.  I hope this was just a blip that I had to get out of my system,  but I'm not sure, and I don't trust myself. I'm not sure I can booze in moderation,  nor give it up entirely so that leaves me in a bit of a pickle.  I also know that I hate weight training and I like cardio, be it running, biking or skipping,  but I also know that this alone isn't sufficient to maintain what I've achieved,  which leaves me in a bit of a pickle.

Generally though I've quite enjoyed the experience,  I've been to some hellish places and questioned my sanity  but it's been OK.  I've enjoyed the whole blogging thing which I was convinced at the beginning I wouldn't,  in fact I was determined not too.  The fellow PCP'ers that I've got to know in some virtual way have been a constant source of inspiration,  no more so than Connie and Tracey.  your JFD attitude really has got me through a few sessions I wouldn't necessarily have completed.

My fellow team Pucks,  respect to you all,  Richard and Bruce,  amazing results fella's.  And Richard n Kim,  have a lovely wedding.  Even Noel, I've enjoyed our exchanges immensely and look forward to seeing you on Friday. If I have offended anyone along the way I apologise,  it was probably meant to be humorous that fell flat, unless of course it was aimed at Noel in which case it was heart felt.  And finally Mandy,  you have amazed me with your commitment to the programme and even with your persistent shoulder injury, and all the hassles of the past few weeks, you have pressed on where I fully expected you to stop. Total respect,  I love having my new svelte wife, and don't worry,  I'm not putting all my weight back on,  far too galling to have to re-buy all my fat clothes I've given away. It's not a health choice,  it's a financial one.

To current PCP'ers,  trust Patrick to answer all your questions within your daily emails he sends.  You get ALL the answers you need, you might not have them on the days you ask,  but you WILL get them at some point, and you won't be left high n dry.  And somewhere at the beginning,  he tells you he wants you to figure stuff out for yourself.  Do that,  it ain't rocket science, as much as some people seem to want to see it that way.  It's just healthy living, which I'm not sure if I'm qualified to comment on having read my mea culpa above, or maybe it makes me more so, but I know (more-so now than 90 days ago) what food is healthy, and how to eat healthily.  It still needs to be a conscious choice to eat that way,  but I think I'll find it easier to make the right decisions, or at least better decisions, most of the time.

I guess final shout out goes to Patrick.  Good programme man,  maybe 4 days too long but nothing is perfect! It does well in luring you into a false sense of security until it's too late by which time you're hooked and want to get to the end,  well almost,  christ I'm such a bonehead for this lost weekend, ho hum. But anyway,  nothing revolutionary you're doing, just good old fashioned sweat n veg.  I wish you every success going forward.



  1. Congrats on the complete! Bummer about the timing of the move, but at the end of the day you've got to be happy with the results vs. your day one. Its funny to read that you were initially down on the whole blogging concept as you and Noel's posts have been must-read destinations throughout the whole PCP experience... Although my standards may admittedly be pretty low considering the number of poo related posts.

    Thanks for the wedding wishes, and if you and the fam ever find yourselves in Colorado for vacation or to finally set up that brewery, definitely look us up!

  2. It's been a pleasure being insulted by you, Pete. Knowing the sort of pontificating knob-jockey you are, I couldn't have expected any less. If I did my small part by being an easy target and outlet for your impotent, uncontainable rage born of frustration, then I'm more than happy to have been of service.

    I also want you to know that while I never felt there was any competition for weight loss between us, I won. Hands down. Loser!

    That said, as I see it, over the last 90 days, you've done a lot more good for yourself than you have bad. I'm totally with you on preferring cardio to strength training and this has everything to do with hot difficult I find strength training and how poor my results are - seriously, in my best flexing photos, I just look like a skinny constipated wimp.

    You've made some serious inroads into your state of health and if you're anything like me then your weight-loss combined with cutting your grog by a chunk and upping your veggies long-term, will make you much better off.

    We all had bad days in the project - pity yours were at the end, but I consider you firmly across the finish line and looking good.

  3. You were a rebel as a kid too weren't you!! Pouring the fridge into your gob was just a rebellion so don't beat yourself up too much.

    I have enjoyed your posts immensely. Also the bro-mance between you and Noel has been fun to read.

    Take the photos and finish it all up properly. Also, I want to see what the inside of your new place looks like.

    However you made it past the post, you can still say that you made it. Good for you.

  4. Pete, thank you for your witty blogs which also kept me going many, many, many days. More so than you can imagine. If you can find anything since the move, then Mandy and yourself and wrought a miracle. Very difficult market conditions, house move, new school for kids...... mmmmm, those fall within the list of most stressful items in one's life. I think that what we all attained has been a major achievement. Well done. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy your new PC life with Mandy and the kids in your lovely new flat (dry and not rocking)!

  5. Is this seriously your last post man? Not sure if this is a COMPLETE or not... hmmm....
