Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day # 83 The Lost Weekend...

I think I've been overdoing it,  Last week I was really struggling and I think I've been overcooking the skipping.  Have been doing 1hr a day in 2 sessions,  but the net result has been me crashing in the pm, with far from restful sleep, I think this is maybe because I'm having to do the weights after work and it makes me a bit wired and then I can't sleep waiting for the alarm at 5:10am.  I've been hell bent on losing the Bali fat and getting back to what I was losing pre the holiday,  possibly misguided.

Anyway,  Saturday got up did my skipping and leg work and then when it came to the bands I just had nothing.  About 3 sets into the DaVinci's I just though no,  it half hearted,  what's the point,  I've got a day of packing boxes ahead of me,  I'm already feeling pants,  I can't do it. Half pretended that I'd do it in the evening, but I already knew that was a fib.  Then yesterday,  after having a power cut in the night and having to mess around on  the dock getting power on at 3:30am (yes we live on  a boat) I woke up feeling equally pants and decided to just not sweat it and have a day off.  I never really see the kids during the week as they're in bed when I leave and get home, I needed a day with them,  some things are more important than a six pack.  I'll make up Sundays session tomorrow.

Did my skips this morning and felt like the spring was back in my step,  hopefully I can maintain it for the whole week,  we'll see but really don't want to limp over the finish line.  Anyway I officially don't care to lose any more weight.  A couple of people have told me I look gaunt which is fine,  they've not seen me in a while,  I prob just look a bit weird to them,  but..gasp,  Mandy said the same AND told me I have an old mans bum, all saggy skin and bone,  and actually if I sit on  a hard surface,  there is no padding left,  it's uncomfortable. The midriff still has a bit of sag,  is it skin or fat? I'm not sure,  if it is skin,  I hope it shrinks but clearly this area needs more attention and that's going to be more of a focus going forward.

I shall leave you with a lovely picture of our marina this weekend.  We had something called red tide with is an algae bloom and trust me it stinks as bad as it looks.  Really quite hideous and not the ideal final memory to have of the place but sums up how I felt this weekend,  bobbing around in a sea of shit!


  1. Very poetic... are you guys moving into the city or somewhere altogether new?

  2. No just around the corner really, have to stay closes for the school. Property prices are ridiculous here, feels all very bubbly and about to pop, so going renting for a while.

  3. I assume that around the corner is on land and not another boat in another part of the marina. Your feelings reflect mine this weekend. Still finding it all very, very hard. These last 10 days have actually been the most difficult. But will be with you in trying not to limp across the line. Good luck. Be brave. Dig deep.

  4. An hour a day skipping!! Crikey - you are keen.

    We have hell week ahead of us so pace yourself.

  5. Yes, back into an apartment. It's all happening this week
