Monday, August 1, 2011

Day # 63 Already Failed

And haven't gone for dinner yet.

I am at least getting my exercise done so if if food is 80% of PCP then 20% not too bad I suppose.


  1. Christ - that is some rapid failing. However, having perceived your competitive streak, I can't help but think this is a ruse to lull the rest of us into a false sense of security ... even though it's not competition.

  2. Ever the skeptic Noel.

    Pete - you are on holidays mate. Try not to blow out all your hard work but still have a great time.

  3. You can do it Pete! Stay strong! Just say no to desserts. Every time you see something bad just think "WWPD?" What would Patrick do? We should make bracelets.

  4. Put down the pie. Step away from the dessert counter. Check the pics from Day 1. Have fun but stay strong(ish) so you can come back & finish strong.

  5. hope every illegal mouthful was heaven ! hahhahaha you will get back on track. i don't doubt it for a minute !!

  6. I'm sitting here at 6.45am checking emails before exercise wondering why I drank so much beer last night. Pretty much given up on pcp diet until next Wednesday. Bit bored of restaurant food now though morning noon and night.
