Monday, August 22, 2011

Day # 84 The haters are hatin'

I received an email from my mum last night saying, Mandy looks great,  but I don't,  I have to stop. Apparently some people are supposed to be skinny, and some people are not!!!  Without being too blunt,  yes I know you're reading mum,  but we as a family are overweight and pretty much always have been  and they've for the most part have only known me fat (certainly the past 15~20 years).  There is a huge difference between saying I'm to thin and just different to what they're used to me looking like.  I didn't expect the haters to come from within my inner circle.  So anyway I thought about it and what I've achieved and googled what 12kg of fat would look like (I've only lost fat, nothing else according to my stats).

This picture (if accurate) shows what 5lb looks like,  (and I've done 5 of these!).  I think that this is a model (I found it on Amazon but this being held gives some perspective as to it's size).  Even if I am a little thin of face, and bum at the moment,  I'd rather that than carrying the above around with me.  I'm fitter now than I've ever been in my life,  no question, and don't ever plan on going back there. I really don't need to be doing another PCP any time soon, it's all about the maintenance now.

Oh,  and also Mandy tells me she doesn't like my biceps either, apparently they're weird!  FFS,  I can't win.


  1. Stay strong buddy, 1 week to go. I've been getting shit from my wife. My shoulders are skinny, I eat too many eggs and drink too much milk. I feel fit and strong though and I feel happy. I hope you do too.

  2. I do indeed, I think after a few days rest post day 90 I'll feel even better. Honestly I think it's just people having to adjust to the new us. now is the normal, not what was before. I'm looking at that picture of the fat again, that can't be 5lb of fat, no way I was carrying 5 of those before.

  3. From your Day 78 pics you are looking good. Can't imagine that horrible things have happened between Days 78 and 84. Sometimes other people don't want us to change because it makes them feel bad. I had some of that too this summer. Just keep at it for this week and then maintain. Both yourself and Mandy are both looking very good.

  4. Thank you Conny, your comments are, as always welcome and appreciated.

  5. We need bum photos to be able to accurately assess the situation. :-)

    You must be pleased to be rid of the belly. The results from Day 1 are stellar.

  6. You look quite different in sunglasses.

  7. Haters came from my inner circle as well! You always hurt the ones you love. No we can hurt them because we are so strong! ha! You look great, don't listen to them!

  8. 5 of those ?!?!?! maaan , that's a lot of useless mass with you , glad you kicked it out :)
