Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day # 71 OOOOPS!

If you're going to crash, you may as well do it at speed!  I never realised how much I liked muffins and danish pastries from brekkie quite so much!  Daily I was reminded of the breakfast fails essay from Patrick,  but just thought,  ahh,  I'm on holiday.  But I started well,  Daily would have sautéed peppers with my alloted eggs and 1 slice of toast,  with low fat yoghurt etc.  but then the muffins crept in,  so to counter this,  I cut out the slice of bread,  a touch of genius I think you'll agree,  then the fruit coulis crept onto the top of the yoghurt,  then the odd crepe,  with whipped cream and choc sauce.  But I did still have my peppers and eggs... so thats OK then!

Lunches started well,  seafood salads daily, ended up being an apple and the kids leftovers as so stuffed from increased breakfasts.  Dinner,  actually mainly carb free and seafood every night,  although there were sauces,  and desserts so I'm not under any illusions,  and beer..  oh and gin whilst I'm fessing up.  I think the highlight has to be the seafood buffet at hotel,  the dessert station,  I had 2 crepes and an assortment of their other desserts,  6-7-8,  who know,  by that point I really wasn't counting, tough nights sleep following that lot I can tell you.  Funny thing though,  pre PCP I would never have bothered with any of them.  Probably because I would be full from the carbs I'd have picked during the meal,  but I was the proverbial kid in the sweetshop.  It took me a fair few attempts to give up smoking,  before I realised that the only way to do it is to NEVER have a fag again,  not even one tiny puff when you're down the pub,  so thats what I did.  I'm thinking food is the same, boo hoo.

I've also realised Patrick is right about restaurants and salt etc.  Just getting 1 egg and 1 egg white mixed into my sautéed peppers with no salt and little oil was a challenge,  it was the same bloke every day,  eventually he got it but it took a week, you could see his face just not being able to compute the request. I'd also wake several times every night with the most parched mouth,  I've not had that for a while, I thought I'd been out licking the beach.  And skipping whilst hungover is a challenge,  especially before a coffee.   I did get all the workouts done at least,  I meant to make friends with 8 min guy a bit more which didn't really happen but hey hoo,  he's far to genki for my liking anyway.

So as for weight,  I was 69.6 on  the morning of my holiday,  and 72.3 this morning,  I'm not happy but it felt like it could have been worse,  and we all know holiday fat is easier to lose than real fat,  so here we go again.  get below 70,  yawn!

Anyway here's a pic of Mandy and I in our hotel room yesterday.  The skin will tan as much as it needs to to protect itself,  PCPtastic skin!


  1. did your confession feel good? your penance is 15 extra floor jumps, creep and tricep dips.

  2. You and Mandy look like you were dipped in chocolate!

  3. OMG - I was eating my lunch when I saw that photo. What is happening around his mouth?

    Just say "NO" to tanning pills.

  4. It didn't feel as good as the muffins and danish pastries and lemon tarts that I ate!

  5. As I said to Mandy, don't worry too much at the weight as flying messes up your hydration levels and you need to jump on the scales in 48 hours. You will be amazed at the difference once your body readjusts. You might have picked up slightly but as you say, holiday fat that was put on quickly, comes off just as fast.

  6. You beat me to it, Bruce. I suspect one of Pete's legendary multi-day-build-up dumps will set this to rights. Time to roll a majestical bum-cigar Coops.

  7. I ended up sitting next to an old friend from my Tokyo days on the return leg, he said he hardly recognized me with the hair and weight, so we had a small convo about my exercise/ nutrition program but I kept it suitably zen like. Then proceeded to have 2 packets of nuts, some prawn crackers 4 Gins and a beer, not to mention my meal, which actually was fish n veg, phew. He must have thought me a total bullshitter.

  8. My point which I forgot to add is yes Noel, In keeping on the aero theme I think there is definitely one in the departure lounge.

  9. God your blog made me feel better as I have been beating myself up about eating out every night for the past 3 weeks in Bali and feeling like I was the only one who had fallen off and let a few wines creep in, OK not every single night, but recently yes, every night. Unfortunately I am not yet home and you are. I do however think that it is a real eye opener for real life post PCP and how disciplined we need to be post PCP. I agree with you though, it is a bit of everything or nothing and unfortunately that is the way that I tend to be by nature. Hope that getting back to HK makes it all even out to normal gruelling PCP conditions (at least for that last stretch).

  10. Been back a couple of days and was very easy to get back into diet, in fact I was looking forward to it for the last half of hols. But I'd always compartmentalized the holiday as something else and as such it's ring fenced. I'm massively annoyed with myself but I do know that it would have been a hell of a lot worse were I not doing PCP.
