Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day# 76 Holiday fat has all but gone

Most of it in the shape of the most gigantanormous cable you've ever seen in your life,  It was like 3 massive cubans laying side my side,  (and I'm talking the people,  not the cigars!) I made Mandy come and have a look,  she was muttering as she's walking down the stairs about how some of hers are massive and would done the same but then it saw it and said,  "oh, maybe not,  how the fuck are they going down the hole? So from last wednesday morning to post yesterdays poo, I've lost 2.5kg,  told you holiday fat was easier to lose.

Really looking forward to Tuesdays skip only day.  Finding the bands to be tiresome now,  and with markets the way they are I need to get into work a bit earlier,  so beep beep beep at 5:10 and thats just to skip,  no chance of getting to gym at lunch for the next 2 weeks as colleagues away so bands in the evening only,  and I hate having that cloud hanging over me all day, I need to get it out of the way ASAP.  Started packing up up stuff yesterday for the move next Fri and was looking through my old pics of my time in Tokyo.  Jeeeez,  I was a porker,  I'll scan a couple of them and put on here,  but I touched 92kg back then.  I do seem to remember quite enjoying myself though,  well actually I don't remember,  so I must have!

Not going to bother with this last indulgence, I think I had it and have blogged about it.  14 days.. c'monnnnn


  1. If this was a competition (and it's not) you'd be well back in the running. I knew there was an ungodly dump on the way.

    For some reason, the Cuban comment reminded me of the George W Bush joke where he's sat down by his chief of staff to receive some bad news about the war in Iraq. This will be a public relations disaster he's told because one of the Coalition partners has suffered fatalities: three Brazilian soldiers have been killed.

    Dubya mulls this over for a minute and says "Three Brazilian soldiers? That's a lot, isn't it?"

  2. Still too scared to step on the scales myself. Congrats on the birth.

  3. Good ole dubya. I miss him in a strange demented kinda way. I liked the Russell Brand joke at the MTV awards calling him a retard but good for Americans letting him run the country, we wouldn't even let him hold a pair of scissors.
