Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day # 90 and 89..and 88 Well.... That'll be that then... tripped at the line

PCP finished on day 87 for me. I could sit here and make excuses blah blah,  but I think the one thing that is obvious to me is I need routine, and not to break it.  It's been all important that I know when I'm exercising and what I'm doing when. This past couple of weeks, work commitments have meant that I've been doing them at all different times and it just doesn't wash with me.  I also need the routine of the gym.  I know Patrick is really rather anti gyms,  but I find the process of going, getting changed and being there a motivation, I get that JFD attitude and want to just get it over with. What's the point in going there if you're not going to work out.  It also allows me to go during lunch on occasion, which isn't wasting my personal time.  Working out at home doesn't work for me,  Weekends were always the hardest.  I also think Patrick is unduly hard on gym goers,  I actually see a lot of fit people at the gym I go too,  maybe it's the early morning brigade being more motivated, and doing as much as possible before the office but I don't see too much standing around doing nothing. I do however question people using their personal trainers 2-3 times a week.  That seems like wasted money to me when they could be doing it by themselves.

This weekend, trying to unpack our old home into our new one took up our time and I soon just thought,  exercise can wait till later.....  like never.  We ate lunch out Saturday as had nothing in,  I ordered baked baramundi on veg (PCP fine) but several beers, the remains of the kids pizza, and a slice of banoffi pie.  oops.   This followed on from Friday evening Mandy and I grabbed a quiet bite whilst the kids were out,  carbon copy of the Saturday lunch really, but the tone was set,  it became comical what I ate Sat night,  biscuits, crisps,  raisins coated on yoghurt, hot cross buns, loads of gin,  Sunday lunch again,  chicken fajitas and cheesecake... oh and beer.  Sunday evening, Mandy wasn't hungry, said wasn't cooking,  so I went fishing, and came back with biscuits, ritz crackers and gin.  I did however keep it slightly PCP compliant by having a banana and low fat yoghurt,  yea for me! It almost became a comical 2 fingers to the whole PCP programme,  but probably more of a self destruct button and I'm rather annoyed with myself now. My whole plan was to take my pictures yesterday morning,  after my workout, before my breakfast when I was at my best,  Then open a decent bottle of wine this evening I've had for years waiting for a significant occasion.  I can't be bothered with that now as it  doesn't seem appropriate, nor indeed shall I with the final pics, I've managed to put on 2.8kg since last Wednesday and I've missed my window for them. I'm still happy with my general results,  just not where I should have been. What I'm really not happy with is how easily I seem to be able to slip back into old habits.

Going forward,  I don't think I'm going to buy any clothes just yet.  Probably wise to see where I am in a month or so.  I hope this was just a blip that I had to get out of my system,  but I'm not sure, and I don't trust myself. I'm not sure I can booze in moderation,  nor give it up entirely so that leaves me in a bit of a pickle.  I also know that I hate weight training and I like cardio, be it running, biking or skipping,  but I also know that this alone isn't sufficient to maintain what I've achieved,  which leaves me in a bit of a pickle.

Generally though I've quite enjoyed the experience,  I've been to some hellish places and questioned my sanity  but it's been OK.  I've enjoyed the whole blogging thing which I was convinced at the beginning I wouldn't,  in fact I was determined not too.  The fellow PCP'ers that I've got to know in some virtual way have been a constant source of inspiration,  no more so than Connie and Tracey.  your JFD attitude really has got me through a few sessions I wouldn't necessarily have completed.

My fellow team Pucks,  respect to you all,  Richard and Bruce,  amazing results fella's.  And Richard n Kim,  have a lovely wedding.  Even Noel, I've enjoyed our exchanges immensely and look forward to seeing you on Friday. If I have offended anyone along the way I apologise,  it was probably meant to be humorous that fell flat, unless of course it was aimed at Noel in which case it was heart felt.  And finally Mandy,  you have amazed me with your commitment to the programme and even with your persistent shoulder injury, and all the hassles of the past few weeks, you have pressed on where I fully expected you to stop. Total respect,  I love having my new svelte wife, and don't worry,  I'm not putting all my weight back on,  far too galling to have to re-buy all my fat clothes I've given away. It's not a health choice,  it's a financial one.

To current PCP'ers,  trust Patrick to answer all your questions within your daily emails he sends.  You get ALL the answers you need, you might not have them on the days you ask,  but you WILL get them at some point, and you won't be left high n dry.  And somewhere at the beginning,  he tells you he wants you to figure stuff out for yourself.  Do that,  it ain't rocket science, as much as some people seem to want to see it that way.  It's just healthy living, which I'm not sure if I'm qualified to comment on having read my mea culpa above, or maybe it makes me more so, but I know (more-so now than 90 days ago) what food is healthy, and how to eat healthily.  It still needs to be a conscious choice to eat that way,  but I think I'll find it easier to make the right decisions, or at least better decisions, most of the time.

I guess final shout out goes to Patrick.  Good programme man,  maybe 4 days too long but nothing is perfect! It does well in luring you into a false sense of security until it's too late by which time you're hooked and want to get to the end,  well almost,  christ I'm such a bonehead for this lost weekend, ho hum. But anyway,  nothing revolutionary you're doing, just good old fashioned sweat n veg.  I wish you every success going forward.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 88 The Crawl

I think this clip pretty much sums up my PCP finish

I didn't mean too, it just kinda happened.  Yesterday evening I pretty much tipped the fridge into my gob.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day # 87 Temptation is EVERYWHERE!

I'm really finding it tough to resist some bad food.  guys here got a Tony Romas delivery for lunch,  I had a couple of onion rings,  oh the shame.  I keep stuffing myself with veggies just to try and fill me up, yesterday I had about 1.5kg of veg.  AMAYW.  Actually I don't want ANY anymore, but its helping to get biscuits out of my head.  Honestly, I'm a bit concerned about next week when I technically won't have the PCP guilt hanging over me that I'm going to be like a man released from prison after a long stretch.  You'll find me in Wanchai........dancing......... on a bar...........naked!

By yesterday evening the removal men had taken pretty much everything to the new flat but we had last night still at home.  Thankfully Mandy saved a bottle of Tanqueray and some tonics...  phew.  No sofa, no TV, no Internet,  so we just sat in the kitchen, chatted and got royally pissed. Thinking about it,  maybe I was hungover,  hmm, something to do with the cravings? It was actually a nice evening and last on the boat.  I think there was a lot of stress needed releasing on her part. She's be amazing organising everything,  2 kids both starting new schools this week, sorting packing etc etc,  of course I've done pretty much feck all but did you expect any different? PCP has suffered for her sadly this week which she's gutted about but really not much could be done about it, life does get in the way sometimes doesn't it!

I am properly bored of the gym now, looking forward to a small break from it,  not physically,  but mentally, I just find it so numbing.  3 more days people, 3 more dayssssss

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day # 86 Once more unto the breach dear friends......

Translates roughly to JFD.   Actually the thought of the supersets today was far worse than the actual action, and doing 2 together and counting off the sets..  boom,  2 exercises completed, almost done.  I know, I know,  but my mind is easily tricked.  The V-Sits and planks to failure were fun today.  There was a girl next to me practicing her yoga poses and was really very graceful.  The contrast between her and me grunting and squealing like 2 future bacon sarnies was stark!

So close now I can almost taste it....  the burger that is,  and the curry, and the pizza, and the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day # 85 Oh FFS!

Oh FFS #1/ So I set my alarm for 4:55 to get up skip, then get ferry to gym, do work out and get it out of the way before work,  only to be texted to say Japan downgraded during my shoulder flys,  so figured I better get on my toes to the office, and it's deathly dull,  nothings changed.  so v-sits/side crunches under the desk once I've finished my coffee, not ideal but it is what it is.

Oh FFS # 2 Gave myself a congratulatory pat on the thighs this morning after those pesky floor jumps,  thinking that'll be that then...  I've just been perusing the days ahead,  and tho n behold,  day 87,  creeps AND floor jumps. Oh,  and some more on day 89 just for good measure. Patrick,  you wanker!  I can't wait to see what day 90 has in store for us.

Last of my weekly Wednesday weigh ins this morning as well.  68.4kg (12.7kg total).  I think that's job done.  Got a very nice email from my brother last night saying I'm looking great,  apart from the hair,  am I really the only person on the face of this planet that likes my hair?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day # 84 The haters are hatin'

I received an email from my mum last night saying, Mandy looks great,  but I don't,  I have to stop. Apparently some people are supposed to be skinny, and some people are not!!!  Without being too blunt,  yes I know you're reading mum,  but we as a family are overweight and pretty much always have been  and they've for the most part have only known me fat (certainly the past 15~20 years).  There is a huge difference between saying I'm to thin and just different to what they're used to me looking like.  I didn't expect the haters to come from within my inner circle.  So anyway I thought about it and what I've achieved and googled what 12kg of fat would look like (I've only lost fat, nothing else according to my stats).

This picture (if accurate) shows what 5lb looks like,  (and I've done 5 of these!).  I think that this is a model (I found it on Amazon but this being held gives some perspective as to it's size).  Even if I am a little thin of face, and bum at the moment,  I'd rather that than carrying the above around with me.  I'm fitter now than I've ever been in my life,  no question, and don't ever plan on going back there. I really don't need to be doing another PCP any time soon, it's all about the maintenance now.

Oh,  and also Mandy tells me she doesn't like my biceps either, apparently they're weird!  FFS,  I can't win.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day # 83 The Lost Weekend...

I think I've been overdoing it,  Last week I was really struggling and I think I've been overcooking the skipping.  Have been doing 1hr a day in 2 sessions,  but the net result has been me crashing in the pm, with far from restful sleep, I think this is maybe because I'm having to do the weights after work and it makes me a bit wired and then I can't sleep waiting for the alarm at 5:10am.  I've been hell bent on losing the Bali fat and getting back to what I was losing pre the holiday,  possibly misguided.

Anyway,  Saturday got up did my skipping and leg work and then when it came to the bands I just had nothing.  About 3 sets into the DaVinci's I just though no,  it half hearted,  what's the point,  I've got a day of packing boxes ahead of me,  I'm already feeling pants,  I can't do it. Half pretended that I'd do it in the evening, but I already knew that was a fib.  Then yesterday,  after having a power cut in the night and having to mess around on  the dock getting power on at 3:30am (yes we live on  a boat) I woke up feeling equally pants and decided to just not sweat it and have a day off.  I never really see the kids during the week as they're in bed when I leave and get home, I needed a day with them,  some things are more important than a six pack.  I'll make up Sundays session tomorrow.

Did my skips this morning and felt like the spring was back in my step,  hopefully I can maintain it for the whole week,  we'll see but really don't want to limp over the finish line.  Anyway I officially don't care to lose any more weight.  A couple of people have told me I look gaunt which is fine,  they've not seen me in a while,  I prob just look a bit weird to them,  but..gasp,  Mandy said the same AND told me I have an old mans bum, all saggy skin and bone,  and actually if I sit on  a hard surface,  there is no padding left,  it's uncomfortable. The midriff still has a bit of sag,  is it skin or fat? I'm not sure,  if it is skin,  I hope it shrinks but clearly this area needs more attention and that's going to be more of a focus going forward.

I shall leave you with a lovely picture of our marina this weekend.  We had something called red tide with is an algae bloom and trust me it stinks as bad as it looks.  Really quite hideous and not the ideal final memory to have of the place but sums up how I felt this weekend,  bobbing around in a sea of shit!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day # 80 I'd rather walk it than do it.

I have absolutely have no idea how I manage to do 5 x 90 sec planks.  People were staring at me in the gym last night. I'm not exactly sure what noises I was making as I had my headphones on,  but I think it's fair to say it wasn't manly.

Went to the pub after and saw some mates I haven't seen since before day 1.  Got some very encouraging and gushing comments,  you know, like "You used to be such a fat cunt,  and now you're not fat!"  Why thank you,  I think....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day # 79 Pondering the Indulgence

Both Mandy and I are rightly swerving this one on account of having had it + interest in Bali,  but reading what everyone else was thinking made me think what I was missing.  Richard was going to the big burger,  that would have been my choice 2+ months ago too,  but would I choose it now knowing its just a one off meal?  I don't think I would,  I've not missed them, although I'm sure I'd still like one.  And I realised I haven't overly missed anything in particular, probably chocolate if I had to say one thing and on occasion an ice cold beer would have been very welcome.  Really, I've just missed the social side of things,  date night with Mandy,  beers with my mates, and a decent nights sleep.

Looking forward to getting my life back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day # 78 Weekly weigh in

I've not done one of these for a couple of weeks, what with vacation an all.  Jumped on the scales this morning and boy were they being kind,  69.4kg,  11.7kg total,  but amusingly that's 2.9kg from last Wednesday the morning after I got back from my hols.  I know planes bloat you out etc,  but even so.  And I've not had a 'movement' since the 3 Amigos dropped by at the weekend.  Maybe because I've had to switch my exercise to the evening at the moment,  it's giving me a false positive the morning after, but whatever,  I'll take it.

I have been incredibly hungry and weak these past 2 days,  I guess it's the step up in reps/sets,  but I've been shockingly tired,  hoping the increase in carbs from today will rectify that, although quite ironically being the one who was very vocal in my consternation for my loss of carbs back in the day,  now they're coming back,  I don't really want to have them.  I am difficult to please.

Taking my suit/shirts I had made for me in April back to the tailors today to see what can be done.  I hope they're salvageable as only been worn once and it looks like my son wearing my clothes when I put them on. Annoying if they cant but if that's the price to pay, then so be it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day # 77 fast forward to day 90........

The bottle of wine I have ready to open to celebrate.  Am I allowed to open it on the evening of day 90,  after workout done, and PCP food eaten,  or do I have to wait until day 91?  Is it a bit like opening christmas presents on Christmas eve?

Not that I want this to be over or anything.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day# 76 Holiday fat has all but gone

Most of it in the shape of the most gigantanormous cable you've ever seen in your life,  It was like 3 massive cubans laying side my side,  (and I'm talking the people,  not the cigars!) I made Mandy come and have a look,  she was muttering as she's walking down the stairs about how some of hers are massive and would done the same but then it saw it and said,  "oh, maybe not,  how the fuck are they going down the hole? So from last wednesday morning to post yesterdays poo, I've lost 2.5kg,  told you holiday fat was easier to lose.

Really looking forward to Tuesdays skip only day.  Finding the bands to be tiresome now,  and with markets the way they are I need to get into work a bit earlier,  so beep beep beep at 5:10 and thats just to skip,  no chance of getting to gym at lunch for the next 2 weeks as colleagues away so bands in the evening only,  and I hate having that cloud hanging over me all day, I need to get it out of the way ASAP.  Started packing up up stuff yesterday for the move next Fri and was looking through my old pics of my time in Tokyo.  Jeeeez,  I was a porker,  I'll scan a couple of them and put on here,  but I touched 92kg back then.  I do seem to remember quite enjoying myself though,  well actually I don't remember,  so I must have!

Not going to bother with this last indulgence, I think I had it and have blogged about it.  14 days.. c'monnnnn

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 74 Virtual gym buddies VS family

So I had an email from my Mum entitled Blog,  so you're moving then?

Errrm,  yeah sorry I meant to say....  ooops.  Sorry Mum.

Suppose I'd better get round to telling Mandy about the divorce at some point!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day# 73 Is it me or are the workouts getting harder, like properly harder?

I'm aching and leaving the gym a wobbly wreck which hasn't overly been happening the past month.  Have I just been going through the motions?  Was I slacking off on holiday without realising it?

I hate floor jumps, planks and bicycles in that order.  I do get some sort of perverse satisfaction from the latter 2 once completed but floor jumps can go feck themselves as far as I'm concerned.  And I've had to concede defeat of the kung fu's for the time being,  it's just too painful on an old dislocated shoulder.

I forgot to say in my post holiday blog,  I've "inspired" someone to start skipping.  Hotel manager said he'd seen me and grabbed the ropes in the gym to try himself and was asking advice.  I kinda wanted to at least get one person on PCP from seeing my results,  but as we have to be all zen like these days I didn't actually tell him about it,  so Patrick,  you and your zen like attitude has done you out of a potential customer.

Moving house in 2 weeks,  furniture shopping tomorrow..  yippeeeeeeeeee

Have a nice weekend all.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day # 71 OOOOPS!

If you're going to crash, you may as well do it at speed!  I never realised how much I liked muffins and danish pastries from brekkie quite so much!  Daily I was reminded of the breakfast fails essay from Patrick,  but just thought,  ahh,  I'm on holiday.  But I started well,  Daily would have sautéed peppers with my alloted eggs and 1 slice of toast,  with low fat yoghurt etc.  but then the muffins crept in,  so to counter this,  I cut out the slice of bread,  a touch of genius I think you'll agree,  then the fruit coulis crept onto the top of the yoghurt,  then the odd crepe,  with whipped cream and choc sauce.  But I did still have my peppers and eggs... so thats OK then!

Lunches started well,  seafood salads daily, ended up being an apple and the kids leftovers as so stuffed from increased breakfasts.  Dinner,  actually mainly carb free and seafood every night,  although there were sauces,  and desserts so I'm not under any illusions,  and beer..  oh and gin whilst I'm fessing up.  I think the highlight has to be the seafood buffet at hotel,  the dessert station,  I had 2 crepes and an assortment of their other desserts,  6-7-8,  who know,  by that point I really wasn't counting, tough nights sleep following that lot I can tell you.  Funny thing though,  pre PCP I would never have bothered with any of them.  Probably because I would be full from the carbs I'd have picked during the meal,  but I was the proverbial kid in the sweetshop.  It took me a fair few attempts to give up smoking,  before I realised that the only way to do it is to NEVER have a fag again,  not even one tiny puff when you're down the pub,  so thats what I did.  I'm thinking food is the same, boo hoo.

I've also realised Patrick is right about restaurants and salt etc.  Just getting 1 egg and 1 egg white mixed into my sautéed peppers with no salt and little oil was a challenge,  it was the same bloke every day,  eventually he got it but it took a week, you could see his face just not being able to compute the request. I'd also wake several times every night with the most parched mouth,  I've not had that for a while, I thought I'd been out licking the beach.  And skipping whilst hungover is a challenge,  especially before a coffee.   I did get all the workouts done at least,  I meant to make friends with 8 min guy a bit more which didn't really happen but hey hoo,  he's far to genki for my liking anyway.

So as for weight,  I was 69.6 on  the morning of my holiday,  and 72.3 this morning,  I'm not happy but it felt like it could have been worse,  and we all know holiday fat is easier to lose than real fat,  so here we go again.  get below 70,  yawn!

Anyway here's a pic of Mandy and I in our hotel room yesterday.  The skin will tan as much as it needs to to protect itself,  PCPtastic skin!

Monday, August 1, 2011