Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day # 50 A millstone or a milestone?

It's also weigh in day,  and yet again,  my body decides to play it's funny trick on me and not let me poo since Sunday,  So as much as I've dropped some good weight this week  1.4kg to 72.1 (9kg in total) if I'd dropped what's stuck inside me it would have been more.  So....2.1kg to break the magic number in one week before we go on holiday.  Next tuesday I shall be incorporating laxative into my daily diet.  So much for the food in poo out theory.

Now onto my diet, I think I'm being singled out by Patrick, unfairly I might add.  I can only comment within my own group but my food is WAY lower than everybody else's and I can't understand the logic.  I'm 38% lower on carb from breakfast on the other guys in the group,  which is fine if I'm 38% lower than them weight wise,  but I'm also 18% lower carb than the women and thats where this theory breaks down,  Mandy is feeling sorry for me even,  and trust me,  after yesterdays blog (before she removed it) that is amazing.  So what am I doing wrong?  Is is posting pictures of naked women on my blog you think?  Is there anyone out there on less than 50g carb for breakfast?  I've been happily having a pita bread stuffed with peppers with ground pepper for weeks,  which I think is the reason we're not allowed to drink because there's no way I could say that pissed.  But now 1 pita bread is tooooooooo much.  harumph.


  1. Would you like some cheese with that whine?

    Man up Pete and get with the program. :-)

    / good natured ribbing

  2. If it makes me more regular then yes, I'll take it!

  3. Whining aside, they are good questions. I would love to know what it is about our body types that make some people need more carbs, protein etc. Stick with it, try having rice or quinoa for breakfast, they are lighter so if feels like you are eating more.

  4. I'm Ok with it, it's working so who's to argue, it's mostly in jest I say it, but I would still like to know why.

  5. I don't know how the various gram amounts are calculated as I too compare the difference between Georgie and I and it makes no sense. I'm twice her size and therefore should be eating twice as much as her but sadly not. I guess it their secret formula and we will just have to wait and see. Still 9kgs down is not bad going so well done mate

  6. That is an amazing drop. Well done. Matter of interest, how tall are you? My guess is portions are mostly related to height and sex. For reference, I'm 6'1" or 185cm
