Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day # 43 Weekly weigh in.

Targets, targets, targets. Almost at day 45,  which now I'm in the 40's doesn't really seem like too much of a milestone to me,  I think 50 is more relevant,  60 will be awesome. That then is the begging on the home straight in my opinion.  As for weight, 73.5kg this morning,  down 7.6kg,  only 900g this week. Seems ridiculous to say but I feel like I'm having a fat day today though,  think I'm a bit backed up if you know what I mean. Even so,  the weight is not moving fast enough to get through 70kg before I go on holiday on the 28th,  so lets make it a 10kg loss, 71.1kg before I go on holiday,  still not a given but more doable.  If I could skip more I think I would have a chance, but friggin achilles still troubling me,  tried yesterday for first time since Thursday and still not ready to go back...  fack fack fack.  Still I am enjoying my bike rides so not all bad I suppose.

So we get AS MUCH AS YOU WANT veggies for lunch.  Is this to test our resolve?  Not sure I really need the extra,  but knowing that I can, is it going to make me weak?  I am hoping we've now seen the end of the reduced weekly diet though,  I don't think I could go much lower,  mind you've I've been saying that since day  1 so who knows.

On a positive note, Mandy bought a bikini for our hols yesterday and she looks smoking in it.  On a negative note her brother has just sent us these through the post.

What a total fucker!  Ostensibly they are for Alex's birthday present,  but even so, they're in the house and as we ration the kids access to chocolate, they're going to be around for a bleedin' long time!


  1. We just got a care package too. Frys turkish delight, cherry ripes and chewy lollies.

    Hubbilicious has hidden them away from me at my request as I have zero resistance to chewy lollies.

    900g is still an awesome result. Remember that the closer you get to your goal, the slower the loss will be as you are putting on muscle too as well as losing fat.

  2. Fruit salads and refresher chews. You get those in oz? If only they were PCP compliant

  3. Thank Christ all Australian confectionary is pretty crap. That is a suckhole act on her brother's part. Congratulate him from me.

    PS I understand Crunchies are a vegetable.

  4. I'm using the twirls as part of my protein, They are after all made from dairy. And yes, Aussie choc ain't right, It's one of the few things Brits and Aussies agree on. British choc is better, end of. And any Yanks reading, yours is even worse, Hershey's kisses actually taste of puke.

  5. Well done Pete on the new stats. This nonsense of weighing ourselves each morning is treacherous as today I'm up 900 grams from yesterday. Go figure. Still any loss is a win so well done!

  6. Maybe you have the 900g that I lost. I didn't realise it's a baton!

  7. Looking at those British chocs almost makes me homesick !! Its been so long since we scoffed chocolate I wonder if we will still like it after day 90 ?

  8. Georgie, categorically yes, you can't unlearn to ride a bike, you can't not like chocolate. It's just the way of the cosmos.
