Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 32 Love Kylie

I have to say, my whole Psyche since day 1 of PCP has been so geared to breaking that first month milestone that I'm now struggling to get re motivated for the next-two-long-months.   But we went to see Kylie in concert last night (4th row) and it was brilliant.  Backing singer Roxy was beautiful,  had to keep reminding myself it was Kylie we went to see (oh what could have been if I'd done PCP years ago!).  But anyway the dancers had all clearly been doing PCP and finished with honours,  Just thought, WOW,  that's the target, best get a couple of extra push-ups done tomorrow.

For some reason, the mainly male audience surrounding us seemed to whoop n holler more the less clothes the male dancers wore, confusing!

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