Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 1, reposting, messed it up, sorry

Right, fellow PCP'ers, good luck on your endeavor and see you on the other side. Just to let you know, my default attitude is my glass is always half empty, and for the next 3 month, it seems, so is my belly. Expect negativity in my blogs,  I like being miserable, I'd be unhappy if I wasn't.

So why am I doing this? Because I'm a bit fat, always have been. I go up a bit and down a bit but always been a bit..... fat, and just once in my life I want a flat stomach.  I wanted my picture to be this dude,   the power thirst man from YouTube,he has preposterous amounts of testosterone. = preposterone,  and lets face it, who doesn't want a piece of that? but Patrick wouldn't allow it, I have issues with him already. In reality, my motivators are my colleagues Jasper Tay and Bill Wiswell who are both previous PCPers. I sat in the office and watched them become as boring and as anal as humanly possible for 3 months, but at day 90 after I saw the before and after photos I was astounded.  So in January I thought,  it's only 3 months I can do this, I got in touch with Patrick, and then immediately thought,  Christ it's 3 long months and bottled it, and now they've all finished, I hate them!  But here I am again and figured the only way it would work was if my wife joined me,  so she's on here too and united we stand.

Weight 81.1kg
Visceral fat 129
Bmi 26.5
Body fat 29%

Done my workout, I am pathetically weak! Skipping and tiptoeing at the same time to not wake the kids is going to be a challenge!


  1. haha! You're going to be fed up, in a literal sense my friend. I thought I'd be hungry too. Quite the opposite. Hope you like complaining in the kitchen.

    Doom and gloom here we come! Just kidding. A bit fat? That'll go.

    Good luck!

  2. Good work doing it with the wifey. It helps with the cooking and overall support.
